Hong Kong Adventure Part 1


Last year I decided enough was enough, I need to see the world. I was having a mini life dilemma as my Undergraduate degree was coming to an end. To summarise my undergraduate degree I would say it was not easy. I was in need of a holiday, somewhere to go to where I could be free. To go on an adventure.

My wonderful friend Charlie had suggested throughout my third year that I should come and visit him in Hong Kong, in which I decided that I would. He thought I was kidding when I said that I would love to go, as I guess getting a plane over to Asia in the spare of the moment isn't exactly what anyone sensible would do right? That's me! Taking spontaneity at one hand, and my savings in another (not literally), I booked my flight to Hong Kong and to Tokyo.

I had always wanted to go to Asia, since searching through the internet and indulging into the culture in ways that were available to me in England. Throughout my teens I was obsessed with Manga and Anime, loved venturing to Yo!Sushi and Wagamamas, and read articles on anything Japanese related. 

So why didn't I go before I turned 21? Lack of confidence was one of the main reasons. I didn't want to travel alone, and of course booking flights to the other side of the world isn't exactly available to everyones budget. So when the opportunity arose I was like: Why the hell not?

And so my Asian adventure began, in which I was clever enough to record each day in a diary. Here are just snippets of my adventure:

Day 1

View from Charlie's family apartment in Fo Tan 

"Flew in via British Airways to HK where I was greeted by Charlie, two bus journeys later arrived at his apartment in Fo Tin. 

Had pizza for dinner then slept for 13 hours from 21:30-10:45. Jet lag is not fun!

On the flight I sat next to a lovely lady called Jessica, and her child Atlas, whom was very cute with blue eyes and blond curly hair. What wasn't so great is I didn't get much sleep and my tv was broken. However, I didn't mind too much as it was very interesting to chat to Jess, who is a some sort of head of a detective corporation... Someone who looks into business deals and does background checks for other businesses... Mentioned something about someone big guy organising for someone who worked for him to be killed."

Day 2

"Woke up and left the house with Charlie on the bus to Sha Tin station where we preceded to get the bus to Mong Kok. We arrived to a bustle of people and lit up crowded stores and headed for the Ladies' Market, stores filled with cheap copied goods. We walked up and down twice and I ended up buying a magnet for Nanny Carroll after bartering with the lady from HK$59 to HK$37 (about £3). I also got some new blue floral shorts and a top with some anime style guys on that cost me HK$100 for both (~£8). Bargain and they both fit (thank goodness considering I couldn't try them on). Currently wearing the top even tho it smells a bit like Chinese food... Oh well.

After shopping at the market we went back onto the underground to TSDT, aka the water front, where we walked the avenue of stars, where handprints from Jet Li and Jackie Chan can be seen, as well as a Bruce Li statue... Hi yah! 

Hong Kong Island 
Jet Li Statue
It then started to rain... And in HK.. When it rains it goes all out... So under an umbrella we walked to the Star Ferry that took us to Hong Kong Island. By this point the rain caused the visibility to be less than 100m, so we took refuge in the big mall, under the biggest building in Asia. Here we snooped the stores and ended up in City Stores, a big supermarket full of foreign foodstuffs. I ended up buying two packets of noodles and a turtle shaped sweet bread thing from the bakery. Charlie got calzone. We then ate our food until the rain has subsided and it was past 4 o'clock, we decided to turn back and head home. 

View from the ferry
Turtle shaped sweet bread
As we headed to Sha Tin Charlie wanted me to try one of his fav foods in Hong Kong, which turned out to be dorayaki, a pancake filled with custard... It was delicious even though maybe slightly toooo big. We than sat on some stairs and people watched for a while, before heading home. Good thing we did because a  rain storm has just occurred before I started to write this. 

P.s I have just been for a swim in the pool... Was lush, nice and fleshing as it is very humid... It's about 8pm."

Zoe x

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