Life updates #2


Finally some things are going up in life. I now have a new job as a Christmas Temporary Retail Sales Supervisor at a local brewery's pop up shop (which I am loving) and I recently found out I should be graduating next year with a Merit in my Masters degree. 

I am also planning many visits with to see friends over the next month, have tickets to Glastonbury next year with my boyfriend and friends, and I am loving living in Norwich and exploring all the places to eat and drink. 

If that wasn't enough positives, my house with the lovely Rachel is complete and so homely! Should really blog about it, maybe another day?

Hopefully I will remain on a high for a while, my anxiety seems to be keeping at bay, which I am very grateful for as it was getting a bit extreme, and hopefully I can save up enough money to finish driving lessons and go on holiday in the New Year. Fingers crossed! 

Also I have a new hairstyle and colour!


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